At&t 2019 We Seem to Be Experiencing System Issues. Please Try Again Later




1. air temperature

two. ampere-plow

3. antitank

4. automatic manual


(ăt; ət when unstressed)



a. In or most the area occupied past; in or near the location of: at the marketplace; at our destination.

b. In or near the position of: always at my side; at the middle of the folio.

two. To or toward the direction or location of, particularly for a specific purpose: Questions came at the states from all sides.

3. Present during; attention: at the dance.

4. Within the interval or span of: at the dinner hour; at a glance.

v. In the land or condition of: at peace with one'due south censor.

6. In the activeness or field of: skilled at playing chess; good at math.

7. To or using the rate, extent, or amount of; to the point of: at 30 cents a pound; at high speed; at 20 paces; at 350°F.

eight. On, near, or past the time or age of: at three o'clock; at 72 years of age.

nine. On business relationship of; because of: rejoice at a victory.

x. Past way of; through: exited at the rear gate.

11. In accordance with; following: at my request.

12. Dependent upon: at the mercy of the court.

13. Occupied with: at piece of work.


at it Informal

Engaged in exact or physical conflict; arguing or fighting: The neighbors are at information technology once again.


American Heritage® Lexicon of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Visitor. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. used to bespeak location or position: are they at the tabular array?; staying at a pocket-size hotel.

2. towards; in the direction of: looking at television; throwing stones at windows.

three. used to indicate position in time: come at three o'clock.

four. engaged in; in a land of (being): children at play; stand up at ease; he is at his near mannerly today.

5. (in expressions concerned with habitual activeness) during the passing of (esp in the phrase at night): he used to work at night.

6. for; in exchange for: it'due south selling at 4 pounds.

7. used to indicate the object of an emotion: aroused at the driver; shocked at his behaviour.

8. where information technology's at slang the real place of action

[Former English æt; related to One-time Norse at to, Latin ad to]


(ɑːt; æt)

north, pl at

(Currencies) a Laotian monetary unit of measurement worth one hundredth of a kip

[from Thai]


the cyberspace domain proper noun for

(Informatics) Austria


the chemical symbol for

(Elements & Compounds) astatine

symbol for

(Units) Also: A ampere-plough


abbreviation for

(Educational activity) attainment target

Collins English language Dictionary – Consummate and Unabridged, twelfth Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(æt; unstressed ət, ɪt)


ane. (used to bespeak a point or place occupied in infinite); in, on, or nearly: to stand at the door.

2. (used to indicate a location or position, as in fourth dimension, on a scale, or in order): at historic period 65; at nothing; at the cease.

three. (used to indicate incidence or occurrence): at the sound of the bell; at low tide.

4. (used to bespeak presence or location): at dwelling house; at mitt.

v. (used to indicate corporeality, degree, or charge per unit): at great speed; at loftier altitudes.

vi. (used to indicate a management, goal, or objective); toward: Expect at that.

vii. (used to bespeak occupation or involvement): at work; at play.

eight. (used to indicate a state or condition): at ease; at peace.

9. (used to indicate a crusade or source): She was annoyed at their carelessness.

10. (used to indicate relative quality or value): at one's all-time; at cost.

[before 900; Middle English; Old English language æt, c. Former Frisian et, Onetime Saxon, Sometime Norse, Gothic at, Old High German az, Latin ad]


(ɑt, æt)
n., pl. at.

a monetary unit of Laos, equal to 1/100 of a kip.

[1950–55; < Lao; ultimately < Pali aṭṭha eight]


var. of advertizement- before t: attend.


ane. achievement test.

2. antitank.




Chem. Symbol.



1. atmosphere.

2. atomic.

3. chaser.

Random House Kernerman Webster'due south College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


The American Heritage® Student Scientific discipline Lexicon, 2nd Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. place or position

At is used to talk about where something is or where something happens.

There was a staircase at the end of the hallway.

Y'all frequently employ at to mean 'next to' or 'beside'.

He waited at the door.

You lot say that someone sits at a table or desk.

I was sitting at my desk, reading.

If you want to mention the building where something is or where something happens, you usually use at.

Nosotros had dinner at a eatery in Attleborough.

He lived at fourteen Burnbank Gardens, Glasgow.

In British English, you say that someone is at school or at university when you want to say that they report there.

He had done some acting at schoolhouse.

After a yr at university, Ben joined the ground forces.

Speakers of American English normally say that someone is in school.

They met in high schoolhouse.

You say that something happens at a meeting, ceremony, or political party.

The whole family were at the funeral.

They met at a dinner political party.

two. time

At is also used to say when something happens.

You use at when you are mentioning a precise fourth dimension.

At two.30 a.thou. he returned.

The train leaves at 9 a.m.

If y'all desire to know the precise fourth dimension when something happened or will happen, you can say 'At what time...?' merely people normally say 'What fourth dimension...'' or 'When...?'

When does the boat leave?

'Nosotros're having a political party on the embankment.' – 'What time?' – 'At nine.'

You can say that something happened or will happen 'at dawn', 'at sunset', or 'at nighttime'.

She had come in at dawn.

It was x o'clock at night.

However, you say that something happened or will happen 'in the morning', 'in the afternoon', or 'in the evening'.

If something happens at a repast time, it happens while the meal is being eaten.

Let's talk about it at dinner.

You say that something happens at Christmas or at Easter.

She sent a carte at Christmas.

Nevertheless, you say that something happens on a particular day during Christmas or Easter.

They played cricket on Christmas Day.

In British English language, at is usually used with weekend.

I went dwelling house at the weekend.

American speakers usually use on or over with weekend.

I had a class on the weekend.

What are you doing over the weekend?

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012

Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:

Substantive ane. at - a highly unstable radioactive element (the heaviest of the halogen series) At - a highly unstable radioactive element (the heaviest of the element of group vii serial); a decay production of uranium and thorium

element, element - whatsoever of the more than 100 known substances (of which 92 occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination establish all matter

halogen - any of v related nonmetallic elements (fluorine or chlorine or bromine or iodine or astatine) that are all monovalent and readily form negative ions

ii. at - 100 at equal 1 kip in Laos

kip - the bones unit of money in Laos

Based on WordNet three.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


إلى ، عَلى بِ ، بِ (سِعْر)عِنْدفيفي حالَة

v za na

ved efter for i med


- kor

á á, aî, í, viî á, fyrir á, í, hjá, viî á, viî, í




na ob pri v




N ABBR =automatic translationTA f



When at is an element in a phrasal verb, eg wait at , expect up the verb.


1. (position)

1.3. (esp Internet) (= proper name of @ symbol) → arroba f
"my electronic mail address is jones at collins dot britain" ( → -mi dirección electrónica es jones arroba collins punto uk

2. (management) (= towards) → hacia
the car was coming directly at usel coche venía directo hacia we
to wait at sthmirar algo

Collins Spanish Dictionary - Consummate and Unabridged eighth Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈæt] (STRONG) [ət] prep

(referring to rates, speed etc)à
at £1 a kilo → une livre le kilo
ii at a time → deux à la fois
at 50 km/h → à 50 km/h
at total speed → à toute vitesse

(referring to activity) to exist at work → être au travail, travailler
to play at cowboys → jouer aux cowboys
to be good at sth → être bon(ne) en qch

(referring to cause) shocked at sth → choqué(due east) par qch
surprised at sth → étonné(e) de qch
annoyed at sth → agacé(e) par qch
I went at his suggestion → j'y suis allé sur son conseil

Collins English language/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005



(position) → an (+dat), → bei (+dat); (with place) → in (+dat); at a tablean einem Tisch; at the windowam or beim Fenster; at the corneran der Ecke; at the topan der Spitze; at dwelling housezu Hause; at the university (Us), at universityan or auf der Universität; at schoolhousein der Schule; at the hotelim Hotel; at the zooim Zoo; at my brother'sbei meinem Bruder; at a political partyauf or bei einer Party; to arrive at the stationam Bahnhof ankommen; he came in at the windower ist durch das Fenster hereingekommen; the pelting came in at the windowes lid durchs Fenster hineingeregnet; where are you at with your work? (inf)wie weit sind Sie mit Ihrer Arbeit?; this is where it's at (esp US inf) → da gehts ab (sl), → da geht die Post ab (inf); he doesn't know where he's at (inf)der weiß ja nicht, was er tut (inf)

(direction) to aim/shoot/indicate etc at somebody/somethingauf jdn/etw zielen/schießen/zeigen etc ; to expect/growl/swear etc at somebody/somethingjdn/etw ansehen/anknurren/beschimpfen etc ; at him!auf ihn!

(time, frequency, society) at ten o'clockum zehn Uhr; at night/dawnbei Nacht/beim or im Morgengrauen; at Christmas/Easter etc zu Weihnachten/Ostern etc ; at your historic period/16 (years of historic period)in deinem Alter/mit 16 (Jahren); three at a timedrei auf einmal; at the start/cease of somethingam Anfang/am Ende einer Sache (gen)

(= equally a result of, upon)auf (+acc)… (hin); at his requestauf seine Bitte (hin); at her deceasebei ihrem Tod; at that/this he left the roomdaraufhin verließ er das Zimmer

(cause: = with) angry, annoyed, delighted etcüber (+acc)

(rate, value, degree) at full speed/l km/hmit voller Geschwindigkeit/fifty km/h; at 50p a poundfür or zu 50 Pence pro or das Pfund; at 5% interestzu 5% Zinsen; at a high/depression pricezu einem hohen/niedrigen Preis; when the temperature is at xcwenn dice Temperatur bei or auf ninety ist; with inflation at this levelbei and then einer Inflationsrate ? all, cost, ratei

Collins High german Dictionary – Consummate and Unabridged seventh Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


(ӕt) preposition


1. position. They are not at home; She lives at 33 Forest Route by في на em v(e) zu; an; in; bei på; i; ved στο, στη en -southward, -l در -ssa, -ssä, -lla, -llä à ב-, אצל पर kod -on, -en, -ön, -n; -ban, -ben; -nál, -nél di á, í, hjá, við a ~に (위치) ...에서 norāda vietu di te, op på, i, ved, hos westward, przy په em la, pe на v, o, na 5, na kod, u på, vid, hos, i ที่ ...-de/da 在...(表示位置) в, на پر ở (địa điểm) 在...(表示位置)

ii. direction. He looked at her; She shouted at the boys. na, vir إلى ، عَلى (إتجاه) към para na zu; nach; auf på; til; efter προς a; hacia poole, peale به؛ به سوی kohti à; vers; contre על, אל, לעבר की ओर na (irány) -ra, -re kepada á, að, í, við a; verso di; contro ~に向って (방향) ...을 향하여 į (norāda virzienu) uz pada naar på, til, mot, etter na په طرف ، په para la на na na, proti u på, till, åt ไปยัง ...-e/a 向...(表示方向) на سمت hướng vào (chỉ hướng) 向…(表示方向)

three. time. He arrived at x o'clock; The children came at the sound of the bell. met, na في، عِنْد (زَمَن) в a(+art.) v, za um; bei; auf ved; til στις a ajal در هنگام؛ زمان -lta, -ltä à בְּ-, בְּשָׁעָה, בְּגִיל पर u, po (idő) -kor pada á, við, í a, al ~に (시간) ...에 norāda laiku pada om, op på, i, ved, da ... w, na په وخت کی، وخت a la в o, v, na ob u, na vid ณ เวลา ...-de 在...時間(表示時間) в, о وقت کے لحاظ سے پر vào lúc 在...时间(表示时间)

4. country or occupation. The countries are at state of war; She is at work. in, by في حالَة на em(+art.) v(e) in; auf; bei i; på σε κατάσταση en -s, -fifty در حال -ssa, -ssä en; à בְּ-, בְּמָצַב स्थिति दर्शाना u, na (elfoglaltság) pl. dolgozik sedang í in, al ~の最中で ...의 상태(입장)에 norāda uz darbību sedang in, aan i, på, ved w په حال em în; la в, на v, vo v, na u, na i, på สภาวะ; อาชีพ ...-de 在...中(表示狀態) на لگا ہوا ، مصروف trong tình trạng 在...中(表示状态)

five. step or speed. He drove at 120 kilometres per hour. teen في سُرْعَة с a mit med με a -ga به میزان ilmaisee nopeutta à במהירות, בקצב गति दर्शाना pri -val, -vel, pl. sebességgel dengan kecepatan á a ~の速さで ...의 속도로 norāda uz darbības veidu pada kelajuan met een snelheid van i z prędkością په سرعت، په میزان a cu с na pri, od i ด้วย (ความเร็ว) ...-de 以...速度(表示步調或速度) на پر ở mức 以...速率(表示步调或速度)

6. cost. staff of life at $i.20 a loaf. teen بِ (ثَمَن) ، بِ (سِعْر) на a za für til; for προς, αντί a eest به نرخ ilmaisee hintaa à בְּמחִיר कीमत po (érték, ár) -ért seharga á, fyrir a ~の値段で (가격) ...에 po (norāda cenu) pa dengan harga tegen, aan til, for po په نرخ a la, cu по po po od för ราคา ...-east/a 以...價格(表示價格) по قیمت کے اظہار کے طور پر giá tiền 以…价格(表示价格)

at all

in any way. I don't similar it at all. enigsins أبداً изобщо de qualquer maneira vůbec überhaupt i det hele taget καθόλου en absoluto põrmugi اصلاً؛ به هیچ وجه ollenkaan du tout בכלל किसी भी तरह uopće egyáltalán sama sekali yfirleitt, alls ekki per niente 少しも~(ない) 전혀 visiškai vispār langsung hoegenaamd i det hele tatt west ogóle په هیڅ وجه، اصلاْ de qualquer maneira deloc вообще, совсем vôbec sploh ne ionako alls, på något vis ทั้งสิ้น hiç 根本 взагалі, цілком بالکل chút nào 根本

Kernerman English language Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


عِنْد v ved an σε a à kod a ・・・に ...에서 bij ved przy em у ที่ de, da tại

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

  • Turn left at the adjacent intersection (US)
    Become left at the next junction (Britain) → دُرْ لِليَسَارِ عِنْدَ التَقَاطُعِ التَّالي → Na další křižovatce zahněte doleva → Drej til venstre ved det næste vejkryds → Gehen Sie an der nächsten Kreuzung nach links → Στην επόμενη διασταύρωση συνεχίστε αριστερά → Gire a la izquierda en el siguiente cruce → Kääntykää seuraavassa risteyksessä vasemmalle → Tournez à gauche au prochain carrefour → Idite lijevo na sljedećem raskrižju → Svolti a sinistra al prossimo incrocio → 次の交差点で左に進んでください → 다음 사거리에서 왼쪽으로 가세요 → Ga bij de volgende kruising linksaf → Ta til venstre i neste veikryss → Proszę skręcić w lewo na następnym skrzyżowaniu → Vire à esquerda no próximo cruzamento → На следующем перекрестке поверните налево → Ta vänster i nästa korsning → เลี้ยวซ้ายที่ทางแยกถัดไป → Bir sonraki kavşaktan sola dönün → Đến ngã rẽ tới thì rẽ trái → 下一个路口转左
  • My plane leaves at ... → طائِرَتي تُغادِرُ في الساعَةِ...؟ → Letadlo mi letí v ... → Mit wing har afgang klokken ... → Mein Flugzeug fliegt um ... → Το αεροπλάνο μου φεύγει στις ... → Mi vuelo sale a las ... → Koneeni lähtee kello ... → Mon avion function à ... → Moj zrakoplov polazi u... → Il mio aereo parte alle ... → 私の飛行機は・・・に出発します → 내가 탈 비행기는 ...에 떠나요 → Mijn vliegtuig vertrekt om ... → Flyet mitt går klokka . → Mój samolot odlatuje o ... → Meu avião parte às ... → Мой самолет улетает в ... → Manus program går klockan ... → เครื่องบินฉันออกจาก……. → Uçağım... da kalkıyor → Máy bay của tôi cất cánh lúc ... → 我的班机...点起飞
  • I can't observe the at sign → لَا أَجِدُ الرِّمْزَ "@" → Nemůžu najít znak zavináče → Jeg kan ikke finde snabel-a'et → Wo finde ich das At-Zeichen? → Δεν βρίσκω το «παπάκι» → No encuentro la tecla de la arroba → En löydä ät-merkkiä → Je ne trouve pas fifty'arobase → Ne mogu naći znak "at" → Not riesco a trovare la chiocciola → アットマークが見つかりません → @ 표시를 찾을 수 없어요 → Ik kan het apenstaartje niet vinden → Jeg finner ikke krøllalfa → Nie mogę znaleźć znaku at → Eu não consigo encontrar o símbolo arroba → Я не могу найти знак «@» → Jag hittar inte snabel-a:t → ฉันหาเครื่องหมาย@ ไม่เจอ → at işaretini bulamıyorum → Tôi không tìm được ký hiệu a còng → 找不到@符号
  • I'one thousand delighted to meet you at last → يَسْعَدُني أَنْ اِلْتَقي بِكَ أَخِيراً → Těší mě, že vás konečně poznávám → Jeg er glad for at møde Dem → Es freut mich, Sie endlich kennen zu lernen → Χαίρομαι που επιτέλους σας γνωρίζω → Por fin tengo el gusto de conocerle → Olen iloinen, että viimein tapaamme → Je suis enchanté de vous rencontrer enfin → Tako mi je drago da smo se konačno susreli → Sono lietodi fare finalmente la sua conoscenza → ついにお目にかかれて光栄です → 마침내 뵙게 되어 기쁩니다 → Ik ben erg blij dat ik u eindelijk heb ontmoet → Så hyggelig å endelig få møte deg → Miło mi Panaw końcu poznać → É um prazer conhecê-lo finalmente → Очень приятно, наконец-то, познакомиться с Вами → Så trevligt att träffa er till slut → ฉันดีใจที่ได้พบคุณในที่สุด → Nihayet tanıştığımıza çok memnun oldum → Tôi rất vui là cuối cùng đã gặp được bạn → 很高兴终于跟您见面了

Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


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